"I Will Survive!"
Last Update - 06/05/19

When we dream,   we dream of a world where humans no longer heartlessly destroy the beauty that Nature creates.
Please, Help us make our dream a reality.

Found an orphaned baby Squirrel??
Then immediately contact the nearest Rehabilitator, Vet, or Dept. of Natural Resources for help.... Do Not Delay.... The longer you wait, the less chance the baby has of surviving... If you've never successfully raised Squirrels before, DON'T try to care for babies, without help.

Alright, who left the lid off the Ink bottle? -   Meet Midnight.  At least the name fits.  Though he contrasts in color to our Snowy from 4 years ago, he's no less rare than an albino.
16 Sept, 00
Hey, you cut my nose off !! -  Ok, so I'm getting rusty with the camera...   Or maybe the subject just won't stand still..
16 Sept, 00
OK, now I'm getting up in the world. -   Not a light spot on him, except his nose.  This Jet Black Fox squirrel is the first we've been blessed with.
16 Sept, 00
Pretty Blue Eyes. -   A nose that looks like he's been burying nuts in the sand, this beautiful creature has pretty blue eyes.
16 Sept, 00
What was that? I couldn't hear ya... - One of the more notable features that differ from our gray squirrels is his tiny ears.  Though he's almost twice the size of a gray his same age, his ears are half the size.
16 Sept, 00

Time Flies When you having Fun !-   Can't believe it's been over a month since Midnight joined us, but here he is, bigger than ever...
22 Oct, 00
Time to start looking for a home. -  We will soon be checking the area where we will be releasing him.   As he continues to grow, he soon will be ready to join more of his kind.   We will miss him, but he will be much happier and have a chance to do what he was meant to.
22 Oct, 00
Bigger than most... -   Almost twice the size of grays his own age, and still growing...
22 Oct, 00
Please enjoy a few pictures of his room mates in Emerald City.-   All are very close to release date.  Each has a story and all have a second chance for a full life...
22 Oct, 00
22 Oct, 00

Out Numbered !  - This, the second squirrel baby season this year, has been unbelievably busy.   The population of Em. City is well over 30 and there are still a dozen or more yet to move in. 22 Oct, 00
22 Oct, 00
22 Oct, 00
22 Oct, 00

22 Oct, 00

Comments, Suggestions
or Questions ?