"When I Dream !"
Last Update - 06/05/19

When we dream,   we dream of a world where humans no longer heartlessly destroy the beauty that Nature creates.
Please, Help us make our dream a reality.

Found an orphaned baby Fox??
Then immediately contact the nearest Rehabilitator, Vet, or Dept. of Natural Resources for help.... Do Not Delay.... The longer you wait, the less chance the baby has of surviving... DON'T try to care for babies, without help and remember, they are a Rabies Vectored Species.

The Rose Hill Gang! - These four fellows were living in a heavily populated Gated Community, where some residence were providing them, and their mother, with food handouts.  When the Vixen was found dead by a teen aged girl that had been feeding them, an immediate call for rescue of the kits went out.

We should be able to see better from up here. - Though this cry for help was filled with good intentions, it began a chain of events that has proven to be fatal for the kits.  Combined with mishandling of them by people that should have known better, and an unlucky hand dealt to this family of foxes by mother nature, their encounter with man has led to a sentence of death.

Nobody will ever find us in this hideout! - Results of tests run on the mother, revealed that she carried the Rabies virus.  This news sent out a panic alert to DEHEC who immediately called for the death of the four kits. Dixie's hours of discussions and pleas for a chance to save them, won a temporary stay of execution, however, it came with conditions.   Since Rabies is Fatal, if any human that had come in contact with these kits had been bitten or had open wounds, then the immediate euthanasation and testing would be ordered.

Who's that at our door? - The emotional Roller Coaster was building a full head of steam now.  With Hope in our hearts, our concerns now turned to the manner in which the kits were handle by a business that makes money extracting animals from places where humans don't want them.  The roller coaster took a sudden downward turn when it was discovered, that in the first 24 hours of captivity, employees of this company allowed fourteen people to came into contact with, and handle these kits.  We held little hope for that many people to be safe.

Hey, Where is everybody? - The coaster shot toward the sky, as the seemingly impossible was reported to be true. Nobody had a problem.  We were given a green light to secure the kits for observation and rehab.   The skies became gray again after 2 weeks in their new home.  The smallest of the litter died, and tested positive for rabies.  Despite all our efforts to assure DEHEC that the remaining kits were secure and posed no threat to other animals or humans, they made the decision to destroy them.  This time there would be no reprieve.  After three weeks of observing these boys at play, today May 11, 2001, I was forced to turn them over to a DEHEC representatives who transported them to be destroyed.

Another Sad Ending. - With heavy hearts and tears in our eyes, Dixie and I once again face the reality, that animals will "ALWAYS" lose when they cross man's path.  We now wait to hear test results that will make no difference to anyone.  They will only add to statistics that reinforce the systems heartless approach to handling "Animals".

The Final Blow! - Well, the test results are in and the foxes destroyed on Friday, May 11th, all came back "NEGATIVE" for rabies.  Good Job DEHEC.  I hope you all sleep well at night.


Click Here   for our 2002 Foxes

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